Egypt 08/1998 to 10/2000
Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt
RODECO Consulting GmbH, Bad Homburg (Germany)
Team Leader, Hygiene Advisory Services Project Kafr El Sheikh
education, training and promotional activities of the GTZ - KfW co-operation
project were aiming at improvements in water and environmental sanitation
related health issues by changing high-risk practices to low-risk, safer
practices in personal hygiene and public sanitation. Target
groups: (1)
women and pupils; (2)
multiplicators of the responsible authorities of the Governorate (line
ministries: health, social affairs, education, religious affairs; water and
sewerage company); (3)
NGOs; (4)
media representatives; (5)
private sector. The aim was to achieve that each sector ceases acting in
Tasks included:
Project co-ordination, management, monitoring and accounting
Facilitating dialogue with/between stakeholders including Governorate authorities, NGOs and private sector for a participatory sanitation strategy
Elaborating and implementing an “Overall concept for hygiene health education” for all target groups, incl. a school programme and a public relations strategy for the media
Conceptualising of training programmes, design of sanitation material and hygiene messages
Training of project personnel, teachers, health unit personnel and village based hygiene promoters
Preparing PRA missions and applying PRA method and tools (among others testing of hygiene messages)
Preparing and organising planning w/shops (ZOPP) and hygiene seminars at Governorate and district levels
Management of small grants programme: Initiating, participatory planning and implementing environmental sanitation micro-projects on community level incl. follow-up and monitoring
Studying low-cost solutions for decentralised, community based waste water disposal systems
Evaluating lessons learnt and adopting project approach for replication
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