Workshops and Conferences
Klaus D Loetzer

Workshops & Conferences (Selection): 

12 July

International Conference in Brussels/Belgium, organised by KAS and the European Policy Centre: "Governance - Made in Africa"
(there: Chairman of the expert panel on: The International Community and Africa)

24 - 30 April

KAS Topic Conference in Nairobi/Kenya:
"Democracy promotion in islamic societies / The NePAD-process: Update on Peer Reviews"

24 - 28 August

KAS Topic Conference in Maputo/Mosambique:
“New Developments in Project Administration and Monitoring & Evaluation”


GTZ workshop: “Recent developments in GTZ's project management procedures”; June 1999, Cairo/Egypt


GTZ Workshop EXPO 2000 Consultants, Hannover. Orientation Workshop for Freelance Consultants for the German Government programme “Support to Third World countries participating in the EXPO 2000”


GTZ ZOPP planning workshop: “Options for the Low-cost Housing and Building Sectors in Ethiopia.” Addis Ababa/Ethiopia



KAS International Conference, Nairobi/Kenya:
“Traditional and contemporary forms of local participation and local government in Africa”. Delivered paper: “Local Government and economic development in Germany and Africa.” » pdf-file download


GTZ planning workshop: “New developments in Project Cycle Management (PCM) within GTZ's project management procedures”; Eschborn/Germany


IHK “Promotion Programmes and Financial Tools for Eastern Europe”  Practice-oriented Seminar in Verden/Germany


GTZ/KfW “Natural Resources Management by Self Help”  Work­shop in Bilstein/Germany


KAS Topic Conference in Cape Town/South Africa:
“Promotion of Democracy in Sub-Sahara Africa”


GTZ ZOPP planning workshop: “NGO based Finance Programmes in Uganda. Potential and Perspectives for Co-operation.” Kampala/Uganda


GTZ ZOPP courses for moderators


KAS Topic Conference:
Rural Development in Africa” Harare/Zimbabwe


KAS Topic Conference:
Democracy & Development in Africa” Windhoek/Namibia


KAS = Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. (Konrad Adenauer Foundation)
IHK = Industrie- u. Handelskammer (German Chamber of Commerce and Trade)
KfW = Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (German Bank for Reconstruction & Development)
ZOPP = Goal oriented project planning
GTZ = Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (German Agency for Technical Cooperation)


Preparation, Implementation & Moderation of International Conferences:

2005 (28 March-01 April)


International conference / Séminaire international „Integration of the security forces into democratic societes“ / « L'intégration des forces armées et de sécurité dans les sociétés démocratiques »; Cotonou/Benin
» mehr/more/plus (German) | » mehr/more/plus (French)

2004 (24-25 January)


UAPDD* Regional conference / Séminaire régional d'UPADD** „The political implications of the NEPAD process“ / « Le NEPAD, une initiative africaine en faveur du développement du continent -- les implications politiques »; Cotonou/Benin » mehr/more/plus (German) | » mehr/more/plus (French)

2003 (15-18 May)


Intern. conference „Political stability and Development: The contribution of the social doctrine of the church“ (« Stabilité politique et Développement : l’apport de la doctrine sociale de l’ Eglise »); Cotonou/Benin, in collaboration with the Institut des Artisans de Justice et de Paix (IAJP) » mehr/more/plus (German)


ZOPP planning workshop: “Extension of EU Road Authority Development Project 2003-2005” Hargeysa/Somaliland


GTZ ZOPP planning workshop: “Options for the Hygiene Advisory Services in Kafr El Sheikh Governorate.” Kafr El Sheikh/Egypt


Intern. conference “Democracy and Development” in collaboration with Faculty of Social Sciences, Makerere University, Kampala/Uganda.



Initiation, organisation and moderation of “Economic Round-Table Discussi­ons”, a forum for opinion leaders from politics, government administration, banking institutions, uni­versity and private sector in Uganda.



International conference “Foreign Trade Policy and Na­tional Deve­lop­ment” in collaboration with the De­partment of Economics, Ma­kerere University, Kampala/Uganda.


 *   UAPDD = Union of African Parties for Democracy and Development / ** UPADD = Union des Partis Africains pour la Démocratie et le Développement

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