Klaus D Loetzer
Date: 03/1997
Company: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn
Position: Freelance Consultant
Donor co-ordination in the education sector (Education Sector Development Programme). Elaboration of the German contribution to the “Government-led Workshop on Ethiopia Social Sector Investment Programs and Indicative Budgetary Support of Donors” from 12 to 14 March 1997 at the Debre Zeit Management Institute. On behalf BMZ/German Government.
Date: 11 & 12 / 1996
Company: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn
Position: Institution Building Specialist
Description: Appraisal as institution building specialist with an interdisciplinary GTZ team for a project on urban low-cost housing and building sector development, to
assess the institutional capacity of the counterpart organisation (Ministry of Works and Urban Development) and need for organisational assistance and assess and select potential implementation organisations at sector policy level;
define characteristics of potential implementation organisations and requirements for implementation institutions at Government, NGO and private sector level for demand (housing sector) and supply-oriented (building and building materials sector) promotion measures;
elaborate capacity and potential-oriented selection criteria for eventual grass-root implementation organisations to be promoted at target group level (consideration of the gender issue) and formulate project implementation elements on project organisation, staffing and training requirements and needs for advisory services.
Date: 08 / 1996
Company: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn
Location: Eschborn (Germany)
Position: Freelance Consultant
Description: Assist in proposal and tendering procedures of an EU project for a pilot study on co-ordination of analytical work on the education sector in Ethiopia (GTZ succeeded in winning the tender)
Date: 01 & 02 / 1996
Company: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn
Location: Ethiopia (Southern Region)
Position: Freelance Consultant
Description: Project appraisal mission (socio-political and institutional assessment): Southern Region Extension of “Primary Education Assistance Project” (PEAP)
Date: 10 - 12 / 1995
Company: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn
Position: Head of Mission
Description: Appraisal Mission for an “Open Fund for the Promotion of Self-help Initiatives in Ethiopia”; including assessment of projects of the GTZ “Reintegration of Ex-servicemen and Displaced Persons Programme”
Date: 10 & 11 / 1994
Company: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn
Position: Head of Mission
Description: Fact-finding mission on self-help-oriented poverty alleviation in Ethiopia; report: “Frame conditions and possible approaches by German development co-operation towards self-help oriented poverty alleviation in Ethiopia”