Klaus D Loetzer
Date: 10/2000 to 03/2001
Company: ECO
Consult – Ges. für sozialökologische Programmplanung, 36280 Oberaula
(Germany) /
Development Researchers’ Network, Rome (Italy)
EU Programming Study Nigeria, Expert for Community-based Development,
Decentralisation, Local Government & Poverty Alleviation/PRSP
Location: Nigeria, Federal States Kebbi, Kano, Plateau, Gombe, Abia, Enugu, Bayelsa, Rivers, Akwa Ibom
Description: Tasks:
- Appraisal of official documents of the Nigerian Government on poverty issues, Poverty Reduction Strategy Process (PRSP), as well as assessment of donor policy papers and documentation on project proposals such as WB social fund and EU quick start MPP3 & MPP6 programmes
- Consultation of State Governments regarding PRSP process and relationship between central government and state government on the one hand and state governments and local governments on the other
- Documentation of all community-based development projects and programmes including lessons learnt and best practices
- Field studies on the interdependencies in community-based development between local governments, NGOs and CBOs
- Elaboration of sample approaches securing participatory, community-driven development in the water & public sanitation sector as well as the education and health sectors
- Development of process-oriented, participatory budgeting at state and local government level
- Elaboration of training components for local government staff, traditional leaders and community-based opinion leaders on participatory development and pro-poor strategies
- Elaboration of NGO/CBO capacity building training on finance management and proposal writing for WB social fund and EU MPP programmes
Date: 12 / 1997
Company: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn / AGEG (Coop), Kirchheim
Position: Freelance Consultant
Location: Nigeria, Lagos and FTC Abuja
Assignment within EXPO 2000
country advisory services of the German Government (BMZ):
Conduct workshops to inform parties involved about the EXPO concept and
structure, contents
and function of the theme statements and its link to the Agenda 21,
particularly water and sanitation; initiate consultation process with German
embassy, GTZ EXPO contact officer, Export Promotion Board, NGOs,
German institutions of development co-operation and the countries' authorities.